- Terlebih dahulu ingin memohon maaf sekiranya ku ada melakukan kesalahan..(lambat reply msj ke atau ape2 sje). I'm so Sorry. (=_=)
- Buat mase ni..sy agak buzy, jarang mengupdate blog ini. Jadi sekiranya ada permintaan (anything request), sila komen di chatbox atau msj je. Jika ada kesempatan, sy akan follow up request anda.. =)
- I'll be back soooon...So, Wait for me.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Dear Friends..
Kepada Kawan-kawanku serta kaki blogger sekalian,
Saturday, March 10, 2012
SWiSH Max4 [Portable]

SWiSH Max4 [Portable] | 51.6 Mb
Info :
> Ni software macam Adobe flash la.Senang nk gune.
> Nak buat effect lagi mudah pakai ni.
> Kesimpulannya,ak suke pakai bnde ni.Jd sume test la dlu.. =)
For more info, visit : Swish max4
Download : Mediafire
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Angry bird [PC Game]
Angry Bird [PC Games] | 37.3 Mb
Info :
- Merupakan video game puzzle..
- Players akan menghapuskan/melastik semua "green pig" yg ade dengan burung2 yg disediakan..
- Terdapat macam2 halangan ketika nak melastik pig2 tersebut..jadi pandai-pandai la wat strategi.
- Levelnye agak byk..Jd bila terdapat level-level yg susah,harap bersabar,cubela sampai lepas...=)
- So,try la dulu game ni kalo nk tau best ke x...
Angry Birds is a puzzle video game developed by Finland-based Rovio Mobile, in which players use a slingshot to launch birds at pigs stationed on or within various structures, with the intent of destroying all the pigs on the playfield. Inspired by a simple sketch of stylized wingless birds, the game was first released for Apple's iOS in December 2009. Since that time, over 12 million copies of the game have been purchased from Apple's App Store, which has prompted the company to design versions for other touchscreen-based smartphones, including those using the Android and the Symbian^3 operating systems. Rovio Mobile has supported Angry Birds with numerous free updates that add additional game content, and the company has even released stand-alone holiday versions of the game.
Sc :
In rar :
> Folder [Game Data]
* Just unrar and play it....
Download : mediafire
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Pictures To Exe Deluxe 6.5

Pictures To Exe Deluxe 6.5 | 7.77 Mb
Info :
- Merupakan satu software untuk membuat slideshow dan publish ke dalam format .exe
- Jadi senangla nk tgk slideshow,hanya tekan je exe yg publish tadi.
- Seperti software2 lain,ia juga boleh publishkn ke .mp4, .avi, dlm cd, dlm format mac, nk wat screen saver pun boleh dan macam2 lagi..
- So,have a nice test... =)
PicturesToExe Deluxe is the program, which can help you to create splendid slideshows, consisting of almost limitless number of images in executable file for PC and Mac. The interface of PicturesToExe Deluxe is very easy in use, both amateur PC and Mac users and professional photographers and people of all specialities can work in this program without any difficulties.
PicturesToExe Deluxe supports different formats such as PNG, GIF, BMP and JPEG, which is the main for this program. A slideshow in executable format can be reproduced on any computer under Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 2000 and Mac OS X 10.4 or its other new versions. No additional program, not even PicturesToExe itself, is needed to run a finished slideshow, except a produced executable file.
You can place any objects (images, text labels with drop shadows) on a slide and customize complex animation. It’s either possible to use various cinematographic transition effects including 3D effects between slides, to add background music, sound and text comments to a slide and even to customize dialog windows. You can also synchronize slideshows to music. The slideshow has a very high picture quality and the smoothest playback of Pan/Zoom/Rotate effects you have ever seen.
VideoBuilder in PicturesToExe Deluxe edition allows you to burn a DVD-video disc with your slideshows quickly and easily. You can adjust the menu and many other parameters of your DVD disc. You cannot but notice one more advantage, PicturesToExe gives you an opportunity to create an AVI-video file, HD Video for PC and Mac and Video for iPhone. You can also publish your slideshows on Youtube and Facebook. If you think, it's necessary you can protect your slideshow with a password and assign an expiration date. Burned in PicturesToExe DVD-video disc can be played on any DVD player, PC or MAC.
More info : Visit here
In Rar :
> Setup.exe
> Key
> Read me!!
Download : mediafire
IDM optimizer
IDM optimizer | 299 Kb
> Untuk memaksimakan kelajuan download IDM.
Download : mediafire
Thursday, April 7, 2011
TuneUp Utilities 2011 v10.0.3010.11
TuneUp Utilities 2011 | 19.3 Mb
Info :
Can quickly make your Windows operating system faster, easier to use, and more secure. And all operations performed on the operating system are completely safe, because all changes are monitored by TuneUp Rescue Center and can be undone at any time. All TuneUp Utilities modules can be accessed through a common interface that is divided into six categories. In addition, the main window also has three general buttons in a dark gray bar to the right at the top of the window. Pressing the first button starts the TuneUp Rescue Center module. The second button starts the TuneUp Update Wizard, which can be used to update TuneUp Utilities 2009 to the latest version over the Internet. The last button provides help and settings that you can use to customize the software package to meet your needs.
Use for :
> Maintain System
> Increase performance
> Fix problems
> Customize Windows
> Additional functions
more info
In rar :
* Setup.exe
* Crack n Serial
Download : multiupload
If the key don't work,Try this :
Download : Keygen
Download : TuneUp Utilities 2011 10.0.4000.17
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
The flowers shop [RPG PC game]
The flowers shop | 44.9 Mb
Info :
> Ni game RPG yg agak lame.
> Da Test,best jgk la game ni.Jalan cerita ok..
> Bagi sesiape yg minat game RPG ni,
"Selamat mencuba"...
>> (Yg da mencuba msti tau best ke x,yg penting anda yg menentukannya).
In rar :
* Setup.exe
Downlaod : multiupload
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